Search for the Sy

In-Land Search for the Sy is one of the current exhibits at the IBM Exhibition Space in SL. It is among the most interesting and creative exhibits/builds I have seen in SL. It is beautiful. It is engaging. It challenges you. It is cohesive. The thought, effort, care and passion that went into this build are evident everywhere. As you can tell, I was totally blown away by the experience.

Search for the Sy is the creation of Alchemy Sims Build Group. The three original members are Annabelle Fanshaw, Vicki Brandeburg and Layton Destiny. I first heard of the exhibit at a talk in SL – I think it was one of the guests on Metanomics, but I am not sure. The speaker was talking about how he’d just experienced this incredible interactive learning sim. Another friend was at the talk and managed to get a link and information.

I headed over to the sim the other day to get some background pictures and some information so I could post about it, even before I’d started the game. When you arrive at the sym, you are given a notecard with the background information and explanations. I wanted to print the notecard in its entirety, but wasn’t sure that would be permissible. So I IM’d Annabelle Fanshaw and asked permission. She IM’d back very quickly, not only giving me permission but offering to give me a guided tour. (Wow. Look at that. Being polite pays off. *grin* Although my manager has always taught me that it is better to just do it and ask forgiveness after.) I was delighted at the idea and asked if I could bring a friend. I am NOT the most reliable of bloggers and I take mediocre photos and sometimes I don’t SEE all that is to be seen in SL. I was hoping that I could have Honour join us. Annabelle said “of course” and we arranged a time to meet. Annabelle took Honour and I through the sim, explaining the whats, whys, hows, and wheres. We agreed not to give away any secrets. *grin* Honour has already blogged on our experience and posted pics. So I urge you to go there and get more information. I am going to print the notecards and such that you get at the beginning.

The tour was fantastic. I confess to being delighted with the teleporters. I will definitely go back to do it again on my own, take my time, and experience the build. There are 3 different levels, each with its own atmosphere. You start by knowing very little of the Sy but end in immersion. There is a group you can join to get hints, support and exchange stories. One warning – damage IS enabled on the sim, so don’t be surprised. There are traps and misleading clues. If you have already DONE the search, know that the team is always adding new features to the build weekly in order to have surprises for return visitors. Definitely take some time and check this out. If you want to have a “sneak peek” at the sim, view the video.

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There's not much to say about me. I discovered SecondLife by accident, wandered in, and decided I wanted to stay. This blog was a chronicle of my adventures and misadventures in SL. It also includes stray thoughts that occur to me as a result of my time in SL. Both I and my avatar are female. We both love water and the beach and gardening and parties and hanging out with friends. Updating this after quite some time. I haven't appeared in SL in many many months (probably over a year by now) but SL has remained in my thoughts. I do miss my SL, but at least I still have contact with some of my friends from there. In the meantime.... this blog has evolved to be about my RL adventures. :) Nowhere near as risque as my SL but I do keep busy. I still like all the things listed above. I didn't have any cats in SL (only ducks and a panda) so my cats feel that they should play starring roles in my posts. :) I didn't do much eating IN SL although certainly food and drink accompanied me in RL while I roamed inworld. Cooking and baking have become more fun and interesting once I redid my kitchen. That renovation took longer and cost more than if I'd done it virtually, but I'm thrilled to have a tangible new kitchen! I hope you like food and drink as well! February 2024 Update: It’s been a very long time since I was in SL. I dropped in back in 2020 when covid took over most everything. In 2022 we ripped out the second floor of our house, so that was MORE renovation. At this rate we’ll have rebuilt our entire house from the inside out! :) I retired from corporate life in 2023. It occurs to me, long after the appropriate time, that I could have started a new page, or blog, since I’m writing about RL, not SL. :). But SL changed me for the better and it’s definitely part of who I am. So I continue posting! Thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “Search for the Sy”

  1. Thank you Ahuva, for that detailed and complimentary review. The person who mentioned it on Metanomics was Tab Scott, one of SL’s greatest champions. We look forward to seeing all the folks involved, and all who played the game, members of **Searchers for the Sy**, and those who love games in SL, at the final closing party on Feb. 11th.

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